Adult Bible Study

Wednesdays are in full swing at SCBC. Excited about what we will learn, what we will talk about, and what we will experience as we meet and study together! After the meal, the youth head over to the worship building. Kids head to the education building for their classes – RA’s, GA’s, and Mission Friends. Adults start at 7:00 PM in the office building. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in each other.
Beginning February 26, we will kick off new adult bible studies. For the next 8 weeks, the men, led by Pastor Paul, will be studying No More Excuses by Tony Evans. They will be viewing videos and participating in a discussion.
The ladies, led by Michelle Horswell, will be going through Restless by Jennie Allen. They will be viewing short videos, participating in discussion and also reading through the book study, which the church has purchased. We are asking for a $5 donation to help offset the cost of the books.
We hope you will attend. Both of these studies will bless and encourage you. Invite a friend to come along with you!
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