Sunday Worship 07/21/24

The Tale of Two Preachers
[Romans 10:5-13] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

What is the gospel that we preach to others? Is it a gospel that requires much effort and determination to find salvation, to seek the Lord? Or do we preach a salvation that is a free gift right where you are, right in your moment? The Word is near to you. You just need faith.


Sunday Worship 07/14/24

Useless Intellectuals
[Romans 10:1-13] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

What does your faith compel you to do? If faith is only for those who are elect, then it stands to reason that we can do nothing for those who are not elect. That logical flaw will lead believers to become paralyzed and infective in evangelism. That is not what we are to do nor be.


Sunday Worship 07/07/24

Strollin’ or Stumblin’
[Romans 9:33 – 10:4] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

Do not doubt the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has the power to draw men and women to salvation, but it also has the power to cause people to stumble. In a world of self-reliant, self-assured and self-made people, the Gospel tells us that we are not those things.

Sunday Worship 06/30/24

The Unanticipated Outcome
[Romans 9:30-33] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

Faith! It is what separates those unto salvation from those unto damnation. How does one obtain faith, apprehended by some and unattainable by others? The answer manifests in how a church functions and implements missions.


Sunday Worship 06/23/24

Who Goes First?
[1 John 4:7-21] – Jim Stern
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

What difference does it make who goes first in our daily lives? Is there a sequence for life? How does who goes first expose heart struggles we all share? Let’s unpack 1 John 4 and consider the wild ride that happens when we discover who goes first.


Sunday Worship 06/16/24

Put Out into Deep Water
[Luke 5: 1-11] – Joel Bryant
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson

This is what Jesus told Peter after a long day of fishing. To Peter, it seemed useless and he wouldn’t have done so, but for Jesus’s challenge. The result was an unforgettable experience with the Lord. What does it mean for Jesus to challenge you to “put out into deep water” in your Christian faith?

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