Things NOT better yet!

Let me begin this latest blog by apologizing to the three people who actually read this blog.  I have been swamped with being a father, husband, pastor, and student, so my blog has taken a back seat.  I don’t think anything is going to slow down in the near future, but I had a moment to write, so here it goes.
I am sure all here are familiar with the term, “Bully Pulpit.”  Believe it or not, the term originally had nothing to do with a “pulpit” or a “bully.”  The term was coined by Theodore Roosevelt and it actually had a positive meaning.  READ MORE


Doubts about the resurrection are as old as the resurrection

I decided to republish this blog that I wrote 2 years ago.  Resurrection Sunday is only days away and I hope this blog will help focus your heart and mind of the event that occured 2000 years ago – Jesus Christ, light of light, very God of very God – died on the cross and was resurrected 3 days later.  Jesus paid the price for our sins that we could not pay.  Praise God for his grace and mercy.  May you be encouraged by the following. READ MORE


Just another step . . . Time to kill your newborn?

(Photo by Keith Galick)
Many times when people are encouraged to achieve a goal, they are advised to take it one step at a time. We are all familiar with that process. It doesn’t matter if your goal is to lose weight, pursue an education, or learn a foreign language. It’s always done one step at a time. It is virtually impossible to achieve a goal all at once or overnight. However, while incremental steps are good, beware. READ MORE


The Subtlety of Sin

February is one of those months when we begin to dig our way out of the business of Christmas.  By this time, if the decorations aren’t stored away, you might begin to question if your schedule is too tight.  I heard someone say the other day that they STILL have a Christmas gift to wrap and deliver . . . YIKES.  But I digress.  Right when the decorations are put away and hopefully all the bills from Christmas have been paid . READ MORE


If The Shoe Fits . . . Wear It

The saying, “If the shoe fits, wear it,” was a comment that people would make if a description or an attribute was assigned to an individual (or group), and although the individual might be offended by the comment, if it was accurate he or she ought to own up to it.  In many ways, it was a way to get the offended party to take a second look at themselves or their character in order that they might change it.  That no longer seems to be the case in this day and age.  READ MORE

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