Sunday Worship 02/09/25
Walking the Talk
[Romans 12:9-13] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
You know the saying, “Talk is cheap.” Paul continues to write about the practical application of what it is to live as a believer in Christ. It is easy to claim one is a Christian, but quite another to live the life of a believer. It is a life of inner struggle as we present our bodies as living sacrifices.
Sunday Worship 02/02/25
A Healthy Body, Pt 2
[Romans 12:3-8] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
Pastor Paul continues his sermon from last week. This doctor once said, a healthy body is defined as one you forget about. I would agree. Only when you feel pain does your attention shift to a body part that is hurting. How does this apply to the body of Christ? Are you spiritually healthy as an individual and do you contribute to the overall health of the church body?
Sunday Worship 01/26/25
A Healthy Body
[Romans 12:3-8] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
This doctor once said, a healthy body is defined as one you forget about. I would agree. Only when you feel pain does your attention shift to a body part that is hurting. How does this apply to the body of Christ? Are you spiritually healthy as an individual and do you contribute to the overall health of the church body?
Sunday Worship 01/19/25
The Practical Life of Theological Thought, Pt 3
[Romans 12:1-8] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
Pastor Paul continues in the first part of Romans 12. This is where the rubber meets the road. For 11 chapters, Paul has been making the case regarding our position as sinners, our need for salvation, and God’s choice to dispense salvific grace upon whom he chooses. Now what? It is time to respond through sanctification.
Sunday Worship 01/12/25
The Practical Life of Theological Thought, Pt 2
[Romans 12:1-2] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
Pastor Paul continues his sermon from last week. This is where the rubber meets the road. For 11 chapters, Paul has been making the case regarding our position as sinners, our need for salvation, and God’s choice to dispense salvific grace upon whom he chooses. Now what? It is time to respond through sanctification.
Sunday Worship 01/05/25
The Practical Life of Theological Thought
[Romans 12:1-2] – Dr. Paul Lyle
Worship Leader – Mark Hudson
This is where the rubber meets the road. For 11 chapters, Paul has been making the case regarding our position as sinners, our need for salvation, and God’s choice to dispense salvific grace upon whom he chooses. Now what? It is time to respond through sanctification.