**CANCELLED** Wednesday Meal

SCBC Wednesdays: See you for dinner @ 6 PM (Adults/Youth $5, children FREE, max $20 per family). PLEASE SIGN IN and pay at the door or pay online.
Payment Options:
- Venmo (@scbcadmin)
- PayPal (@summercreekbc)
- Zelle (je************@su***********.org)
- Fellowship One (Fund: Activity Fees / Sub Fund: Wednesday Night)
- Drop a check or cash in the offering plate marked “Wednesday Meals”
Help us clean up at 6:45 PM. At 7PM kids grades 1st-5th head to the Education building for Bible Drill, adults meet in the Office, and students 6-12th grade move to the Worship building for Bible study. Childcare available for ages birth – Kinder.
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