Astros Game

We have some tickets reserved for the Astros vs. Seatle Mariners game Sunday, July 31st. This is a great opportunity to catch a baseball game AND fellowship with your church family!!

Please feel free to dress for the game that Sunday, so that you can leave straight from the church. First pitch is set for 1:10 PM.  We are adjusting our usual Sunday morning schedule for Sunday, July 31st, as follows:

• Sunday School 9:30 -10:15 AM 
• Worship 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Our tickets are in section 414 and cost $22 each. Children 2 and under can sit in your lap for free, or you can claim a ticket for them if you want them to have a seat. Claim your tickets below today! I might be able to get more if they all get claimed.

After you sign up, pay online with your fellowship one account HERE, select Activity Fees / Astros Game, or drop your money in the offering on Sunday or Wednesday marked “Astros.”

Please let me know if you have any questions. Go Stros!!

  • Make a payment of $22 per ticket.  See below for options.
    1. Venmo (@scbcadmin)
    2. PayPal (@summercreekbc)
    3. Zelle (je************@su***********.org)
    4. Fellowship One (Fund: Activity Fees / Sub Fund: Astros Game)
    5. Drop a check or cash in the offering plate marked “Astros Game”

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