Youth Mission Trip 2024

For our summer mission trip we are returning to the Hendrick Mission Center. This trip is for adults and students who have completed 6th-12th grade. We will be serving the local community through service projects and VBS.  This trip requires commitment, but the reward is exponential!  

Click here for a glimpse into last year’s trip ==> Youth Mission Trip 2023

The mission center is located at 71 El Paso Rd, Brownsville, TX 78520 (about 372 miles from SCBC, or 6 hrs).  It is located on 2.5 acres of land and provides housing for 150 people, consisting of 2 large dorms (1 male and 1 female).  There is a common area between the two dorms (all under one roof) for dining and meetings.  

Mission Trip Planning Meetings (for attendees):

    • Sunday, Apr 28th, 5:00 PM
    • Sunday, May 5th, 5:00 PM
    • Sunday, May 15th, 6:00 PM
    • Sunday, May 26th, 5:00 PM

Click to download a suggested packing list. Scroll down to see the schedule of events and sign up below to reserve your spot. Cost includes transportation, lodging, t-shirt, meals on site and water park entry on the last day. Cost is $350 per person. Sibling discount is $50. Maximum cost per family is $650.

Scholarships are available for qualifying applicants.  Please contact Jennifer Eaton for more details. Payment schedule is: 

    • Deposit of $75 per person due at sign up
    • Installment of $125 per person due by Apr 30th
    • Final balance due by May 31st  
Payment Options:
    • Venmo (@scbcadmin)
    • PayPal (@summercreekbc)
    • Zelle (je************@su***********.org)
    • Fellowship One (Fund: Activity Fees / Sub Fund: Youth-Mission Trip)
    • Drop a check or cash in the offering plate marked “Youth Mission Trip”

The deadline to sign up for this trip has passed.  Please consider going with us next year!

Required Forms:

Must have a waiver on file for participant signed within the past 365 days.  Please contact Jennifer Eaton to verify if you are not sure.



June 1st (Saturday)

9:00 AM Meet at SCBC
10:00 AM Leave for Brownsville, TX
12:00 PM Stop for lunch (your money)
1:00 PM Back on the road
5:00 PM Arrive at Hendrick Mission Center
6:00 PM Dinner at HMC
8:00 PM Meeting
9:00 PM Free time
11:00 PM Lights out

June 2nd (Sunday)

7:00 AM Wake up/shower/quiet time
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:15 AM Leave for Iglesia Bautista Horeb
10:00 AM Sunday school
11:00 AM Worship
12:30 PM Lunch @ local restaurant (your money)
2:00 PM Return to HMC
2:30 PM Prepare for block party
4:30 PM Depart for block party @ IB Horeb
6:00 PM Block Party (Dinner)
8:00 PM Clean up and return to HMC
8:30 PM Meeting
11:00 PM Lights out

June 3rd (Monday)

7:30 AM Rise and shine
8:00 AM Breakfast @ HMC (not optional)
8:30 AM Load up for work project
9:00 AM Work project
12:30 PM Return to HMC
1:00 PM Lunch @ HMC
1:30 PM Free time
3:30 PM Meeting
4:30 PM Depart for IB Horeb
5:00 PM Dinner @ IB Horeb
6:00 PM VBS Set-up & planning
8:00 PM Clean up
8:15 PM Depart for HMC
8:45 PM Meeting
9:30 PM Free time . . . get ready for bed
11:00 PM Lights out

June 4-6th (Tuesday – Thursday)

7:30 AM Rise and shine
8:00 AM Breakfast @ HMC (not optional)
8:30 AM Load up for work project
9:00 AM Work project
12:30 PM Return to HMC
1:00 PM Lunch @ HMC
1:30 PM Free time
3:30 PM Meeting/VBS prep
4:30 PM Dinner @ HMC
5:00 PM Depart for IB Horeb
5:30 PM VBS 6-8 PM (doors open @ 5:30 PM)
8:15 PM Clean up
8:30 PM Depart for HMC
9:00 PM Meeting
9:30 PM Free time . . . get ready for bed
11:00 PM Lights out

June 7th (Friday)

7:30 AM Rise and shine
8:00 AM Breakfast @ HMC (not optional)
8:30 AM Clean up
9:30 AM Leave for Beach Park
10:30 AM Arrive at water park. Have a good time! Lunch in the park (your money)
4:30 PM Depart water park for dinner
5:00 PM Dinner at local restaurant (your money)
6:00 PM Depart for HMC
7:00 PM Relax and enjoy a job WELL DONE
11:00 PM Lights out

June 8th (Saturday)

8:30 AM Rise and shine
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Depart for Houston
12:00 PM Stop for lunch (your money)
1:00 PM Back on the road
3:45 PM Arrive @ SCBC and unload
4:00 PM Go home, see you at church tomorrow!

June 9th (Sunday)

9:30 AM Sunday school
10:45 AM Worship service


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